Appointed Persons First Aid in the Workplace Articles
Thank you for your interest in Appointed Persons First Aid in the Workplace. We hope you enjoy these articles that discuss some important issues in our industry.
First Aid Train the Trainer
Jan 03, 2018
ITG has now set dates for the range of first aid trainer courses. If you would like to learn to teach first aid contact ITG and they will be able to advise you on which course suits you best. The course options include
Aspirin and the Aspod Carry Aspirin safely
Dec 28, 2015
Aspirin, used in the prevention of heart attacks, is probably the most cost-effective drug available in medical practice and daily low-dose aspirin is now a standard item in the management of heart disease patients.
CPD locally with a ProTrainings approved instructor
Nov 21, 2015
The problem with CPD is that there are some courses that you have to complete which cannot be completed online. These can be a course like First Aid at Work. The HSE do not currently allow this course to be taught as a blended course so you have to attend a class based course.
ProTrainings win the Countywide Small Business of the Year Award 2015
Oct 18, 2015
ProTrainings are very pleased to announce we won the Countywide Small Business of the Year Award. The award ceremony on Friday was attended by many of our hard working team. We joined lots of other businesses at the awards across many different sectors and the night was sponsored by Essex County Standard and The Echo.